My view of an imperfect but wonderful life

Monday, August 11, 2008

Deep in the heart of.... South Bend!

So I imagine most everyone back home is getting ready for... PEAK! Lol... While I on the other hand... am NOT lol. I am here in South Bend lazing around until it is time to head down to Indianapolis to register. Jason leaves tomorrow and Justin and I leave either Thursday or early Friday morning to register and move into the dorms. YAY!!!

So yesterday was fairly uneventful. We went to my Aunt Carlene's church in Dewagac Michigan, about 45 minutes away from her house. If I haven't told you before it is a whole new world here in the Midwest. Lol anyway, my aunt made us a delicious Sunday dinner and scrumptious pie... which after eating she *helped* me decide it was time for a healthier eating experience. Lol So I am going to TRY to eat healthier. Not sure how it will work out but who knows!

So today has been a really lazy day! I had a headache from too much sleep... But migraine medication took care of that! lol while on the other hand back home... my mom went through the pain of having to get her AC fixed, but I think she got a Starbucks out of it. And then my daddy had TWO root canals and a black eye!!!! poor guy!!! Lol but he also gets Vikadin! lol So the plans for tonight is to meet my Aunt's neighbor Michael at Chilis for dinner and then most likely go shopping. I still need to get all the stuff for my dorm room. I have a list (yes a list lol) for things I need to get before I get to Indianapolis and things that I have to wait til I move into my room to get.... So I guess I have *listS* lol! So the thing that will take me the longest to adjust to is the 3 hour time difference. It is 5:30 here and I keep feeling like it is so much earlier! This day is passing too fast! Lol... well enough of my randomness... I will keep you updated! :-P*


Anonymous said...

Aw!!!!! My Erica! In a few hours I'll only be one hour behind you! YAY!!! I had to get up by 3:30 this morning to be here waitin for my flight by 4:30 but I was up earlier because of another horrible night of not bein able to sleep. I'm tired of this lol. I don't think you're up yet cuz you haven't text me back but anyhow....=) Love ya!!

Erica Rose said...

LOL! I txted you and you never txted back!!! :-P Lol Awww I miss you!!! You're still not close enough! Have fun in Tulsa!

Uptown Jack said...

Sounds like so much fun dear!! I must be careful not to envy.Lol

Nila said...

The air conditioner is FIXED!! Thank-you Jesus! Nicole and Bekki, have fun at PEAK.
By the way Sarah, I love your inspirations. I look for them everytime I get on :-)

Erica Rose said...

Lol inspirations? She inspired me to do the random comments! Hahah I inspire myself daily hahahah! Awww I'm glad the AC is fixed