My view of an imperfect but wonderful life

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Just wanted to drop a line and let everyone know (as if they care lol) that I was just informed that my diploma has been posted, which means I will be receiving it in a month. I was a LITTLE worried with my other friends having issues with grades and such. But I am so so so glad that there was not anything overlooked. Just knowing I am for sure done makes me want to give a huge sigh of relief! So this is probably the shortest post so far! But look for more! I plan on taking tons of pictures tomorrow at............. WICKED!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!


Bekki said...

WHOOO HOOOOOOO!!!! I am SOOOOO excited. We need to work out details....

Bekki said...

LOL I just read your quote. I heard one that correlates to it: Don't take life so seriously, no one gets out alive.

Erica Rose said...

Lol I like that one! Lol I loved mine when I saw it lol! Oh and yes we do... including what to wear.... especially since it is TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yaay for erica!!! and as for Wicked, I'm jealous!!! did you ever find a dress bekki?

Erica Rose said...

Lol... ya Bekki did you ever find a dress??? Lol... we were gonna try to be all gorgeously wonderful... and still will be, but just not as dressed up lol!

Bekki said...

I never found a dress =( But I still plan on looking cute. Or in Erica's words something else. LOL!!!!!!

You should also use: "Live your life so at your funeral your minister won't have to lie."

Erica Rose said...

OMW I AM SOOOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED!!! Lol (oh btw I like that one. so true!) Lol, I will not let my dream ruin my day since I woke up and it wasn't true! Hmmm maybe I should stop eating cereal before I go to bed? I wonder if that is what caused such a weird dream. I mean I hate violence anyway. Everyone knows that so I don't know why I would have so much action adventure in my dream lol

Bekki said...

LOL I had a weird dream too. I don't remember all the details though. Maybe it was the peanut butter and marshmallow creme sandwich just hitting you. LOL Just kidding. I really do have to try that.

On another note: I AM MORE EXCITED!!!!! LOL Jk. I can't wait!!!

Anonymous said...

I had a weird dream too! I woke up feeling really sad for the poor bondaged sled dogs of Alaska...

Erica Rose said...

Hahaha... I feel as if my dreams are being made fun of! And my choice of food! LOL! they are called fluffer-nutters Bekki! lol! And are you mocking me Sarah? LOL

Anonymous said...

I seriously doubt that she is mocking you. LOL. You know better than anyone what seriously WIERD dreams we have on a regular basis. ;)

Anonymous said...

I guess I didn't fix my name before I submitted that lol. N-I-C-O-L-E not nio. LOL

Anonymous said...

HAHAH no my dear I'm not mocking you, I really did dream something along those lines last night lol

Erica Rose said...

Lol I know Nicole has some weird dreams and Sarah, but I am not sure about Isaac yet (get it Nicole get it???) hehehe. Lol I have weird dreams often I just don't tell you all heheh

Bekki said...

Fluffer nuffers? I have seriously got to try something called a fluffer nuffer.

Erica Rose said...

NUTTER!!!! N-U-T-T-E-R!!!! NUTTER loL!

Bekki said...

LOL. Nutter then. Fluffer Nutter...

Bekki said...

Say that 10 times fast.