My view of an imperfect but wonderful life

Thursday, July 17, 2008

What is Your Habit?

I was texting Sarah yesterday (big surprise there huh? lol!!!), and I mentioned something about her making a habit (and of course she denied it). But that got me to thinking about habits. Then I read Jana's blog, and then Bekki's from yesterday. That made me actually start smelling smoke :P. I even pulled out the trusty dictionary and the first definition I saw was "an acquired behavior pattern regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary". I looked down the list and saw this one "mental character or disposition." These both made me start thinking, what do I do involuntarily?? I go to church, but I do that because I honestly LOVE going to church! So that is a good habit to keep. I started looking at the things I do daily, eating, reading, running late to work.... especially running late to work. I realize that may be my biggest habit that needs to be broken. My mom would ask, are you going to eat??? My response? "Can't I'm running late." That started making me wonder if that would be how I answer God? "Are you going to talk to me today??" "Sorry God, can't I am running late." "Well how about looking at my love notes to you???" "Sorry God, can't I am running late." Sadly this is how my life has been lately. I can't say that God and I have actually had this conversation per se, but this has been my life as of late. A song keeps coming to my mind, I have been singing it for awhile now,

"There He was just waiting
In our old familiar place
An empty spot beside Him
Where once I used to wait

To be filled with strength and wisdom
For the battle of the day
I would've passed Him by again
But I clearly heard Him say

I miss My time with you
Those moments together
I need to be with you each day
And it hurts me when you say
You're too busy, busy trying to serve Me
But how can you serve Me
When your spirit's empty
There's a longing in My heart
Wanting more than just a part of you
It's true
I miss My time with you

What will I have to offer
How can I truly care
My efforts have no meaning
When your presence isn't there
But You'll provide the power
If I take time to pray
So Ill stay right here beside You
And you'll never have to say

I miss My time with you
Those moments together
I need to be with you each day
And it hurts me when you say
You're too busy, busy trying to serve Me
But how can you serve Me
When your spirit's empty
There's a longing in My heart
Wanting more than just a part of you
It's true
I miss My time with you"

To think that God would be waiting for ME to talk to Him... He wants us to WANT to talk to Him. It is so true, He is a gentleman, He will not force you. He wants His people to praise Him and love Him of their own free will. And He wants them to start realizing... that they miss THEIR time with Him.... And I do... I miss my time with Him


Nila said...

That song is so very convicting. I know, when we make time for Him, he really, really does make time for us and all of our situations. My mother still prays, sings and entertains the Lord .. not just at church, but where it really matters - at home. Remember when I used to get you up at 6:00 am to have that special time with Him. It made the day special, huh?

Erica Rose said...

Lol... I vividly remember those days! At the time I thought it was a little torturous making us wake up that early, but now I do miss those days.

Nila said...

Well, you had to leave for school at 7:15, and was NOT a morning person. I promised God that I would get you kids up for devotions, but He would have to wake me up to do it! LOL He did!
Those were precious times. You guys loved the Bible trivia game.

Erica Rose said...

LOL someone needs to start praying for that for me then!!! Once I am totally up I am up for good, (unless I stay in bed) but it is that dreadful process of getting out of bed that gets to a person

Bekki said...

Erica...set three alarms, c'mon now!!! I need to do that too. I don't spend enough time with Him on a daily basis. My Starbucks time with a book should be come my Starbucks time with THE Book.

Erica Rose said...

LOL! Well... I keep my phone by me normally, so I can hear it and find it, otherwise it will end up under my bed with me eyes closed from sleep trying to find it with just my hand!!! lol!! I am honestly thinking about moving my alarm clock to my bookshelf! That would require me getting UP to turn it off! And so true! That was what I was thinking yesterday when I said I have nothing to read since I packed all my books.... I have the Bible!!!

Bekki said...

Yeah I have done stuff like that before. I just end up getting up, turning it off (or hitting snooze) and going back to sleep. I have sleepadjustingalarmclocks down to a science.

Erica Rose said...

Oh thanks Bekki... Here I thought that was going to work... P-Shaw! LOL! I'll still try it. Since I don't even hit the snooze button like I used to, that used to bug my Mom. I also used to ignore the alarm. As in I wouldn't turn it off or anything. I just wondered what that incessant buzzing was, and then realized that my mom was yelling (yes yelling! HA) for me to turn off my alarm and get up

Bekki said...

LOL!!! I have done that before!!! It just integrates into my dream!!!!

Erica Rose said...

HAHAH! I have the weirdest dreams that have real things happening in them! including I have actually talked to people on the phone and woke up and I realized I actually talked to someone on the phone!

Uptown Jack said...

what about having to use the bathroom in your dream!!! now that's scary lol

Bekki said...

Oh yikes that is scary!!! I have carried on complete text conversations and phone conversations asleep. With my luck I will get proposed to over the phone and I won't remember any of it when I wake up the next morning. LOL "Huh? What? I never said I would marry you!!!" lol.

Erica Rose said...

HAHAHA Justin and I were just talking about that Sarah! And OH MY WORD! I so do the same thing Bekki!!!! It is SCARY!!!! NEVER NEVER NEVER call me when you know I am asleep! I will answer and be thinking I never answered!!!! HAHAHAH ask Brianna! She says she talked to me for about ten minutes and all of a sudden I said Hello??? Who is this? I will never live that down

Bekki said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That's hilarious. I am always slightly cognizant, but not so much that I remember everything the next day.

Erica Rose said...

LOL! WE are scary people!!!

Bekki said...

I know. It's a very scary thing. It really happens very rarely to me though. Thankfully!

Erica Rose said...

Hallelujah! LOL

Uptown Jack said...

We are scary people yes we are, We are scary people yes WE are, been baptized la la

Erica Rose said...

HAHAHA you are so cooL!

Bekki said...

LOL!!!! Sarah, that's hilarious!!! I like to rewrite songs too. For some reason though I just started humming the Addams Family theme song.

Jana McVay said...

The Addams Family theme song seems quite appropriate for this "scary people!" blogfest!

Erica Rose said...

LOL!!!! Seriously!!!! These blogs are keeping me so entertained!!! Even now my eyes water from laughter.... hmmmm lol... or maybe they still water from being hurt??? LOL but ANYWAY it is funny!

Bekki said...

Yeah, I am wondering how we are keeping up with all of this. LOL. I keep laughing.

Dun, un nun un dunt dun. They're creepy and they're kooky...mysterious and spooky...

Jana McVay said...

If we collected all the comments that have furiously flying on the different posts on this blog, we DEFINITELY would blast past 100, maybe even reach 200 comments!!!

Erica Rose said...

That is so true!! The only reason I am able to keep up with them is because of my email. Otherwise I woulda given up long ago due to computer problems

Bekki said...

220 to be exact. With my next comments, it will probably be up to 224.

Erica Rose said...

We are so much fun

Bekki said...

Yes, we most certainly are. Do you notice that we text less when we do this? LOL

Erica Rose said...

HAHAHAH I did notice that!!! LOL and I am actually working today too so I haven't looked at my phone for awhile

Jana McVay said...

What???? You haven't been texting AS WELL AS leaving random comments on random posts????? Oops, you girls are not keeping up the pace in the race to save face....(or something like that)

Erica Rose said...

Well I broke my record and just answered a txt lol!

Jana McVay said...

Whew! I was getting worried!

Erica Rose said...

I'm so glad I saved you from worry lol

Bekki said...

UGHHHH I commented on this a while ago and nothing showed up.

Erica Rose said...

Uhoh... Is the system messing up again??? LOL!

Bekki said...

I think so. Maybe it was just *bitter* at me for saying that I had to get back to work because I am busy LOL.

Erica Rose said...

LOL I have been pretty busy here too!

Erica Rose said...

I am afraid to comment on the other post for fear that it really will keep going... all the way to 200!!

Anonymous said...

Well...I'm kinda out of the loop here because I've been teaching a science camp in the mornings. Just thought I'd mention that, since I know you were not wondering lol. I feel sad that I wasn't able to contribute to the 100 comment thingy. =) But....I do have to say that I like that God is a gentleman.

Erica Rose said...

Hi Nicole!! Lol!!! Yes He is!!! I'm thankful He is

Nila said...

So... this is a little confusing. I thought we were being spiritual here... talking about spending more time with God, and reading His Word. When all of a sudden I need to defend myself. I do not yell! I can speak ever so gently to awaken a sleep-drunken daughter. That 'yelling' part must have been in her dreams.LOL I used to sleep walk. Have you ever gotten up and wandered around the house, and not remembered how you got there? My nephew did that for years, as a teen. The day after he married, he was sleep walking in this beautiful honeymoon resort. He walked to his wife's side of the bed, and picked up the lamp on her night stand. He looked at her, (still asleep), and said, "This lamp is MINE!" Confused, she said, "Okay, you can have it". He said "Thank-you" and went back to bed! Crazy, huh? LOL