My view of an imperfect but wonderful life

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Time for another trip!

I am going to IBC Music Fest 2008 April 2-4!!! If you've never heard of it, it is a music conferences with classes and concerts. So very fun, and you learn a LOT! Sarah, my mom, my Aunt Carlene, and Aunt Ramona will all be there as well. I'm so excited, my mom got my ticket for me today while I was in school! I shall be leaving on Sunday March somethingth, (too lazy to look for the date) and arriving back home Sunday April 6th! Sarah and I will both be going the same day (different times and airlines of course), but she's only staying til Friday (because of circumstances beyond her control :P). I also am happy because I don't technically have to pay for my own ticket!!! My brother owes me! Lol!! Love you bro! Well I shall keep you updated on my Music Fest progress!!!

Oh, one con! The only thing I keep second guessing is the plane ride. This is NOT my first plane ride alone, but I always get a little more nervous when I'm by myself moreso than with someone. I will survive!


Jana McVay said...

You will survive, come home brimming with new ideas and music (to share with us in the ILCMD!!!!) and have lots of fun while doing so! Have a blast! (even though that might be hard without the MD going...JK, JK, JK!!!)

Erica Rose said...

Lol oh you are too much Jana! I'm glad to see you're feeling better! lol. I definitely plan on learning a LOT and having LOTS of fun. I will make it worth while! I will miss the MD but won't have time to miss you all too much, after all it's only a week!!! :-P

Katie Booker said...

I WANT TO GO!!!!!!!! I'm so VERY VERY jealous!!!!! Sniff....

Heather said...

Aw your leaving me? :( Well I hope you have fun! Love ya!

Anonymous said...'re taking my sister with you. Playing favorites are we now? JK JK! I mean that when I say it (the jk part). Really though I will miss her terribly but....such as life. My heart hurts. This is the singlest moment my imagination just can't help! It's okay though. If I went, I wouldn't be able to see my boyfriend who might be coming that week. LOL!!!

Erica Rose said...

Hahaha I'm glad I will be missed and jealoused against lol (if jealoused isn't a word it is now!) I can't wait!!! I remember the first time I went. Katie was pregnant with Trystan!!! AND I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW!!! Hahaha even though we had to go pick up her medication for some unknown sickness that was come upon her!!! Awww poor Nicole to whom "music fest" has become an awful phrase. Your boyfriend huh? You're in denial just like someone else whose name I won't mention!!! Oh and I definitely will have fun Heather!!! lol I'll keep on the lookout for a good guy for you!!! Well I'll try at least

Heather said...

haha thanks erica where would i be without you lookin out for me?

Erica Rose said...

Lol who knows Heather!!! We're just cool like that! Hahaha.