My view of an imperfect but wonderful life

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Youth Service in Perris, CA!

It was an awesome service, Bro. Bertrum preached about the first of all the commandments, "Here oh Israel... and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul...." Needless to say it was an awesome service :-D But anyway, the altar call was wonderful as well as the fellowship afterward!!! But I think I spent the service embarrassing those surrounding me, but never myself... Lol why does that always happen??? Oh well, sorry the pictures aren't the best because my camera wasn't working with me.


Bekki said...

LOL. You surely were in rare form last night. Groovy!

Erica Rose said...

Who ME??? Lol!!! Groovy!!!! I was gonna mention something about TOES(hehehe especially concerning about what you learned that night about them!!!) But wasn't sure if it would be appropriate to my audience

Bekki said...

LOL!!!!! Yeah, I was going to mention something and refrained as well. I figured it might not be the BEST thing to comment on. LOL.

Erica Rose said...

Heehee which makes it funnier to me!! Lol.. I figure the more I embarrass people, the more likely they will stay my friend because they feel sorry for me cuz I just can't help myself... is that a good analogy??? Is analogy even the right word???

Bekki said...

Eh, I am not easily embarrassed. That does NOT give you license to go to great lengths to embarrass me though. lol. I don't know that analogy would be the right word, but I can't think of a better. lol. Kinda like 'playing threes.'

Erica Rose said...

Oh no!!! haha! I think I would be more comforted at "playing fours" that way we don't have to be intimidated :P. Oh wow... don't you know we are probably worrying people???

Bekki said...

LOL, with our weird conversation?