My view of an imperfect but wonderful life

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


I'm so very excited!!! We are in Indiana. Ok so I am not as excited as I was Sunday night because we haven't really had a lot to do because we did not get an extra vehicle til today!!! So Sarah and I have been lounging around Indiana Bible College, so much so that a feel people asked if we ever move from the student lobby!! Oh well. Lol But as of right now I am sitting in our motel room which is relatively small being that there are FIVE of us sleeping in here! Nicole and my mom both flew in today, a few hours apart, they are in here with Sarah, my Aunt Carlene and ME! But we will have so much fun. I tried to post my pictures on here last night, but the IBC dorms have some weird lock on the internet and wouldn't let me post on my blog!!! And then I just now realized I left my SD adapter in one of our new friends room. Ok... I am rambling... I'll stop. Especially since it's 1:16 am here and I prob should go to bed because Music Festival starts TOMORROW!!!!! Oh dear. I'll post my pictures later! HEEHEE


James Wilder said...

Hi, do you know if they are streaming the evening worship services live?

Erica Rose said...

Sorry I didn't check up on this! But yes they did and I assume they archived them!

Erica Rose said...

Oops the website is