My view of an imperfect but wonderful life

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Tagged: My Life, In Six words

I was tagged by Jana.
My six word memoir goes like this...

"My Life is in His Hands"

What can I say? It says it all in those six little words. That is so true about my life. I am not saying I have totally given up all control because sometimes flesh will win out, but I have let God know that no matter what comes my way (stole that line from Jana :P), and no matter what happens, or where I go my life is finally in His hands. I am tired of trying to MAKE my life happen. It is not worth it, as I have already ran into so many speed bumps that have jolted me so hard. So I need to give the wheel back to its rightful owner!

I am tagging:
Sarrah at The Most Happennest Place on Earth
Heather at Header's Hangout
and Jarron just to see if he would do it!!

Here are the rules:
1. Write your own six word memoir
2. Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you want
3. Link to the person who tagged you in your post
4. Tag at least 3 more blogs
5. Leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play


Jana McVay said...

I agree, the best place for us is in His hands! And while we are there...we just keep on keeping on!

....No matter what comes my way, I'll lift my hands and say, "ANYHOW!"....


Erica Rose said...

Sing it Sister Jana!!! :-D "I'm goin I'm goin on"

Oh and CONGRATS on graduating earlier now!!! How exciting!!! Behold it draweth nearer and nearer! a little over a month away now