My view of an imperfect but wonderful life

Thursday, April 30, 2009

REvisiting 2/2/08 post

I put this up on February 2nd of last year, and thought I would repost this cuz I LOVE this song! So here goes again! For all you single women out there!

A Few Good Men

What we single girls could use is a willing man of God
Who dares sometimes to use his brain and works without applause
A man who has a decent face and patience to endure
Whose love is tough and gentle a man who is secure

We wouldn't mind an orator who knows just what to say
But then we want authority to reason him away
He really needs humility to guarantee we win
We just need a few good men

Men full of compassion who laugh and seldom cry
Men who have maturity and won't tell little lies
Men who don't like freedom and always say "Yes Ma'am"
We just need a few good men

We don't want a derelict with many debts accrued
We want the ones who have some strength, reject all the uncouth
If these stringent lines you meet, we may want you as kin
We just need a few good men!!


Anonymous said...
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Erica Rose said...

LOL that's the second guy that has said something similar about the same song! Guys have the wrong impressions of themselves! HA JUST kidding!

Mary Frances said...

Ooooooo I think I LOVE that song!!! Never heard it before, but I am holding my breath!!! LOL

Mary Frances said...

Ah ha!!! YOu changed the words around!!! LOL I love it, EXCEPT, I think I would be happy with just one good man!!! :) HAHA!!! I am gonna have to use this in a blog post!!!